Thursday, January 14, 2010

The gospel according to Ella...

Our friend's cat had been sick for a week and along with praying for her uncle, Ella has been praying for the health of the cat. I told her yesterday that our prayers were being heard because uncle CJ is getting better, and she wanted to know if Summer, the cat, was getting better too. It was one of those mom moments, where you know you have to proceed even though you are not sure if where you step will fall out from beneath you. I was prepared for questions of why God answered one prayer but not the other, I was prepared for sadness that the only cat consistently in her world was gone, I was even prepared for questions about what they did with her little kitty body when she died. What I was not prepared for was Ella's explanation of Kitty resurrection. sn


Julie Weiss said...

She is so darling, Shama! (even with the new 'do she looks cute). We all need faith like that. I'm so glad she wasn't traumatized. I'm so glad to hear that CJ is doing better. Keep us updated!
:) Love you all!

ME said...

HAHA! I miss that crazy lady! She's still beautiful even with out ideal length hair!!