Monday, June 7, 2010


For me there are two ways of loving others. The first is the general sort of, loving my fellow man, kind of love. You know, do no harm, lift up whenever you have the opportunity, seek to see the good in people, the golden rule type of love. There have been times in my life when I have been too self absorbed, too insecure, or too selfish to take the time to love those around me in this way. I have always been ashamed of those times; when I put someone down instead of building them up, when I have not gone out of my way even though I knew that the smallest effort on my part would mean so much to another. In those times I prayerfully ask forgiveness and try to live my life in harmony with the directive, “love one another as I have loved you”. This kind of love is the general mission statement for how I want to live my life. While not always easy, it doesn’t take an emotional toll.

The other kind of love, well that is much more personal and comes with a huge emotional price tag: unconditional love. To love without condition…that’s tough. That means that I am called to love even when the love isn’t returned. [That kinds of sucks] I am called to love even when the other person doesn’t do anything to deserve it. [Seems sort of unfair, don’t you think?] I am called to love even when the other person doesn’t want to be loved by me. [Why take the time?] I am called to love even when the other person is careless with my heart. [Couldn’t pick only those who can appreciate me…even a little??]I am called to love even during the times that I don’t like the other person. [Where’s the fun in that?] I am called to love even though it makes me feel exposed and vulnerable. [There is no joy in being crushed by someone] I am called to love because it isn’t my love that I’m sharing, it is God’s. It is not of my creation. The power of loving someone no matter the cost, no matter the outcome, is divine. That is the lesson I learned today.

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