Thursday, July 7, 2011

Alaska Adventure Day 6

It was pouring rain again today and after spending most of yesterday sedentary (engrossed in our finds at the library) I knew that we needed to take action or the kid's untapped energy would bounce loudly and repeatedly off the small space all 6 of us share. The weather here is so crazy. It will pour one minute and then be beautiful and sunny the next. I check the forecast every morning when Jon leaves for work and usually it changes by the end of breakfast. It makes the days hard to plan and I tell you what, there is such pressure when the kids start off each day with, "what are we going to do today?" I truly never appreciated the energy and creativity it takes to make everyday a noteworthy adventure when you are with your little ones 24/7-so a special shout out to my mom, "thanks for so many years of noteworthy adventurous summer days!!" Today's adventure was swimming. The pool here isn't noteworthy in anyway, but the kids came home ready for lunch and a nap so I was happy. Bringing along a mother's helper also made me happy today because while the kids recharged their energy stores I was able to go to the store alone and get done some grocery shopping. All you mother's out there know the joy that comes from entering a store without your children, free to browse, or be alone with your thoughts, or even pop in your ear buds for some quality e-books time (at least that's what I do). 
The rain finally let up in the early evening so after feeding the hungry masses dinner we headed to the park. These are some of my favorite times with my family. Nothing manufactured, no ticket required, just playing together. I get to remember how it felt to be spun on a tire swing, recall the joy in an intense game of freeze tag, and let my kids glimpse the kids their parent's once were. I have to say, having Ally here to take photos has been great because I am usually totally undocumented in our family outings. 

We decided to end our evening by trying out a local ice cream parlor. Home made ice cream, heavy on the cream and by the wonderful taste and texture of the treat, heavy on the calories...but we're on vacation so who's counting, right? Danali fell asleep on the way over from the park. Its hard work keeping up with her family of big kids.
And that, my friends was day number 6.

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