Thursday, December 15, 2011

Is there a rehabilitation center for my addiction???

Pintrest has exploded in my life. It is like crack. It sucks you into a land where time doesn't exist, a land where you are queen of all things crafty, a place where you have the ability to make your own eco friendly and cost effective cleaning products in a home organized into stream lined bliss. A wonderful world where you cook healthy innovative family friendly meals and look fabulous doing it because you're wearing the apron you whipped up using the scrapes from all the adorable craft projects you've just finished. Plus your hair is twisted and braided into into the latest trend and your make up is applied so that you appear refreshed and glowy and your eternity scarf is wrapped around you in stylish perfection. You live in this dream world until you look up and realize that somehow four hours have gone by and the kids are going to be home from school in less than an hour, you haven't showered, done your hair, or even put on a bra. The house is a mess, the baby has been watching TV and who knows what else most of the day, and you have a thousand errands to run because you are out of everything. So you jump in the shower, throw your hair in a bun, wipe everything down with expensive Clorox wipes, order a pizza for dinner and dump all the clutter into a laundry basket to be sorted later. When you look in the mirror all you see is a frazzled, hair still dripping wet, mess, in a house so unorganized you just decide to wear your husband's Army socks and rain boots because you can't find a matching pair of shoes (to be fair, the baby decided to play dress up with all of mommies shoes to pass the time while mommy was off in Pintrist land, and there are now random shoes all over the house) and your hope of putting on a bit of make up is dashed when you see your baby's arms and legs covered in red and black streaks, oh, not to mention all the dog hair now caked in the lash brush (but the dog has never looked so fetching, that lash define really does its job!). The sad thing is, now that I've wasted half my day, I think the solution is to get on Pintrest tomorrow and start a board on time management because I know that I'm just a few boards away from becoming the domestic goddess I am in my mind. 
I need help. 


Durben Family said...

I love this, I want to repost it on facebook. I've only looked at Pinterest a couple of times, and realized I just need to say 'No'.... it could be endless.

bedroom designs said...

Hello Everyone
The Bartlett Family Five
This content is so well written that I think that at least I should show my appreciation!