Thursday, July 9, 2009

What makes a rainbow...apparently a broken nose!

Last night I was reading this seemingly benign book to Ella. When we were done I asked her turn off the bedroom light and she wanted me to do it. I was feeling all drowsy and pregnant so I put on my thinking cap and suggested that she hop like a bunny to the light switch. She bounced down the length of her bed, turned off the light, started hopping back, then turned and just flung herself backwards. It was so sudden and unexpected that I didn't have time to lumber out of her way. A moment later she was all indignant that I bonked the back of her incredibly hard skull with my face, more specifically my nose. I heard a sickening crack, willed myself not to pass out, and tried not to let any blood get on Ella's favorite snuggle blankie.  
I stopped the bleeding and told Jon that I thought I had a broken nose. There were no that point. The pain really came when I looked in the mirror and saw this.... 
Do you see how bulbous and crooked my nose looks? It swings to the right. Jon kept saying, "it doesn't look that bad" and I replied, "this is my FACE, 'not that bad' isn't an option!!" It was also concerning that I couldn't breath out of one nostril. So off to the ER I went while Jon stayed behind to finish putting Caden and the little assailant (aka-Ella) to bed. The very nice doctor talked with me for a few minuets while he gently probed my nose. He asked where I thought it was broken and when I pointed to the most painful spot on my face he grabbed, pulled, and shifted with out warning. (The moment was captured by my ER buddy Monica on her cell phone. My sweet friend showed up in the ER waiting room with a Dr. Pepper and a People Magazine in hand just to keep me company). After he was done setting my nose he asked how it felt and I said that I felt like hurting him. In reality I needed a moment to pull myself together so that I didn't embarrass myself by crying in front of the cute doctor and my picture taking friend. There wasn't much they could do so they referred me to a specialist who I will follow up with on Monday. Sleep was a little uncomfortable last night but okay and today the swelling is down and the bruising is really minimal. You can see that there is some bruising across my nose and I have a small black eye on the left but really I can't complain about looking too injured. What I can complain about is the fact that my nose now has a bump. Again, Jon tried to console me by saying that is really isn't that noticeable and I again reminded him that this is my NOSE not my ear, or a knobbly finger, but the center piece of my face, and I want my smooth ski jump like nose back, not a ski jump nose with a mogul. Not to mention that my nostrils are different shapes and sizes now. I'm so nervous that since the swelling isn't that bad that what I'm looking at is what I'm stuck with. I guess we will see. So I guess the moral of the story is to be careful of your bedtime reading material because you never know what cute little woodland creature based story will land you in the ER at midnight. 


Danae said...

Oh Shama! I bet that hurt soooo bad! I love that Ella got mad that your nose hurt her head! We miss you guys!

Lilly said...

ouch!!! Hope you feel better soon!!!!

The Shaw Family said...

Oh my gosh! Beware the bunny hop! I hopethe bump goes away and your nostrils return to their normal, more balanced shape. That stinks!

Michael and Denise said...

You poor thing. I hope things go well with the specialist on Monday.

Unknown said...

Oh, Shama ... :( That looks like it really hurts...ouch! I hope your nose can get its shape back. Miss you.