Monday, February 15, 2010

My own private bat cave...

This is one of my favorite times of the day. I turn on the shower and relax as the steam fills the room because I know that for the next 15 minutes I am in my mommy cave. The door is locked and the sound is so dampened that I can barely hear the kids fighting over weather to watch Dora or Ben 10. Ahh, and then there is the HOT water. Even Jon doesn't understand how I can stand the nearly scalding temperatures, but I love it. My bliss is having the water pound down on my shoulders as I breath in the fragrant steam. I stay as long as possible, without care or concern for my water bill or the environment. This is my cave, no such thoughts allowed. Eventually, the knocking on the door begins and even the sound of the water echoing against the shower wall can't drown out the sound of: "Mommy, Caden won't give me the remote", "Mommy, the dog threw up on the carpet", "Mommy, someone is at the door and they want you to write your name" (all things I heard this morning). And, regretfully, I have to turn the water off, chastise my kids for fighting, feeding the dog cheese, and opening the door to a stranger. And although I must leave my steamy cave of solitude and peace, I am now ready to face my day with clean mango smelling hair, freshly shaven legs, and back muscles loose enough to haul around my 16lb baby all the live long day.
Good bye mommy cave, the light of day awaits.

2 comments: said...

I understand and share your love for a long super Hot shower! Best part of my day too! Miss you

~T~ said...

When I count my blessings, hot showers are always pretty high on the list.