Caden, "Mom, I'm Bored".
Mom, "hi, Bored, nice to meet you. My name is mom".
Caden, "no Mom, I'm REALLY bored".
Mom, "whoa, Bored, I believed you the first time, no need
to get upset".
Caden, "Mom! Stop being a teaser, I'm bored".
Mom, "Look Bored, is there something I can do for you or are you just introducing yourself? "
Caden, "NEVERMIND, I'm just going to go play".
Painting rocks with the Andersons. My aunt came out and brought a bunch of rocks and patterns one Saturday and taught us how to paint fun little animals, houses, and even food. We loved it so much that I went out and bought my own supplies and for a week the all the kids painted every rock that could pass for a mouse, dinosaur, or flower. So if you see a hamburger sitting in my flower garden, don't eat it, it is just a painted rock.
The zoo. Caden got chosen to go up and be the trainers "special helper". He felt like an expert after that and insisted on holding the map of the zoo and directing us all to each of the exhibits.
This is his Valentine's Day cup cake. We made these heart shaped mini cakes and let the kids decorate them. This is what Caden came up with. He was very proud of his ability to use the most amount of sprinkles of anyone.
I love listening to the boys reading together at night. Caden read the first book and was delighted that he put Nali to sleep.
My little soccer champ...ish. He was more interested in just running around with all the boys then really paying attention to the game. When he did focus in on the whole team sport going on around him he was quite the little kicker! His soccer playing daddy is so proud and talks of big plans for our boy's future in sports.
Yeah, how do you survive such a BORING life???
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