Monday, August 3, 2009

How does August 4th sound for a birthday?

Look at this belly. That baby is ready to come out. Tomorrow is the big day. Because of blood pressure issues they moved my induction up a day. My bags are packed, the house is clean, a detailed schedule is on the fridge for those caring for my kids, and blogging is being done. Check, check, and check. 
I took a few maternity pictures of myself on Sunday to document this, my last pregnancy. I should have called in the professionals (aka Katie) but I am seriously awkward on the other end of the lens and didn't want to torture anyone with the task of photographing me. I am much bigger than I was with Ella so I am curious to see how much this baby will weigh. Caden was 6 lbs 3 oz, and Ella was 5lbs 2 ozs, so even a 7 or 8 pound baby will be quite a shock to my system. Any guesses on her weight? The ironic thing is that I have been so miserable with this pregnancy that I have just wanted it to be over. Now that I am on the eve of that happening, I am feeling a little sense of loss. I wanted so much to enjoy this pregnancy. It is the last, we worked so hard to get pregnant and stay pregnant, and I wanted to be all glowy and full of maternal bliss. Instead I have been sick the entire pregnancy (just this morning I was on the bathroom floor trying to convince my contracting stomach that there was no more food left in me to throw up and that dry heaving really didn't do anyone any good) and I starting having contractions two months ago. I am so uncomfortable and don't sleep at night and when I do I dream of the time that I will have my body all to myself again. Its odd now that I am feeling sad about it being over. 

So little one, please come into this world safely. I have done all I can to get you here and we have this one last hurdle to jump together. I can't wait to meet you and hold you. Love, your mom.

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