Thursday, August 20, 2009

Two week old Danali

Our sweet little Danali is two weeks old. We took her in for her check up and she is doing beautifully regaining her birth weight plus a couple of ounces weighing in at 6 lbs 15 ozs and 19 1/2 " long. Here are a couple of photos from her two week photo shoot. She has been such a delightful baby. We are having so much fun being her family. 
We love snuggling this tiny little love. 

I love her big eyes. They are so expressive. So often she will just gaze up at us with such trust and innocence that my heart swells. 

I love that I was able to capture her smiling. She is our most smiley baby awake and asleep. She often smiles when Jon sings to her which makes him feel like a million bucks. 

I don't want to forget a moment of her infancy so the camera is out all the time. I am feeling a small sense of panic that it is all going to go so fast, like I am going to turn around one day and gasp because she is already 4 months old, then 6, and before you know it we will be celebrating her one year birthday. I think that it is because she is our last baby and I want to savor every moment.


Jackie and Kirk said...

Those are such precious pictures! She is a doll, and I loved snuggling her the other day!

Shirley said...

These pictures are wonderful! She is such a doll! I need to come cuddle with her again!

Our Famdango said...

Beautiful Shama, absolutely gorgeous!!!